Am I wrong or you still belive AmigaDE is going to mean something and will turn all the competitive solution into dust and you'd be able to shout "Amiga rules" once again
That is not what we want to accomplish. The idea is that any digital content should be able to run on any digital device. The AmigaDE is excellently suitable for this as you can see in the video. YOU or an OEM should be able to choose your favorite/legacy operating system to run this content on for yourself. Of course we hope you choose AmigaOS.
Please look at the any market to understand the basic rules of economy. Do you think say VHS was the best solution? Bet it wasn't even half as good as i.e. V2000. And what VCR do you have at home? Guess why.
Agreed success is dependent on the amount of market adoption. With companies like Sony, Nokia, Fujitsu, NEC, Grundig, etc supporting the Intent foundation it is the best possible foundation thinkable to make a difference.
We do NOT boycott Amiga Inc in the way you think. Our profile is to stay amiga related. Since Amiga Inc is no longer (frankly it wasn't for quite some time) Amiga related we don't plan to become .NET portal, just because they're of of bucks.
??? .NET is not the AmigaDE :-) I think you are confused by the fact that Microsoft calls "WindowsCE" "WindowsCE .NET". It was clear several years ago that Amiga was going to support WindowsCE with their platform idependent technology. Believe it or not, but .NET is Microsoft's counter solution to intent but is still not anywhere near to where we are going. And Tao is going to support almost any platform, Microsoft does not like that so they want to control the market with their similar product to weaken the competition.
That's clear, they wish to grab some cents from that market. And that's nothing neither impressive nor unique. I don't simply think they are still Amiga-related (except for the company name).
AmigaOS4 is the only new OS that is directly based on the source code of AmigaOS. The AmigaDE uses a technology at its core which was started by an Amiga games developer in the early nineties. Many Amiga technologies are being integrated into the AmigaDE however. Saying that Amiga Inc should not be allowed to develop it, is like saying Microsoft can`t develop the .NET platform because it does not use a MSDOS nor WindowsNT core. Microsoft supporters will laugh you in the face if you would say that.
The AmigaDE is what will bring Amiga into the spotlight and enables the Amiga community to educate people about the existance of AmigaOS4.x and classic computers as Bill McEwen for example did in that video.
Yes, sure. And the hadn't the chance before you say?
I don`t know if you noticed but a fast majority of the software coming out for dektop systems is completely tied to Windows. The general consumer want to buy the system which is supported by the shop just around the corner. Microsoft has a monopoly, Amiga Inc only tries to take advantage of their ability to run anywhere.
Why should they use AmigaDE for? Yet another Arcanoid clone? Whay should I bother another "standard" if I could keep say Java on my desktop same way I had it in my latest Nokia mobile?
You clearly did NOT take the time to watch the video to enable you to understand what the AmigaDE developer community is doing. ;(
It means users, or even lusers. Their habbits are not changeable, just because you wish so ;)
Just look at the video, you will soon understand that AmigaDE does not intervene with anyone's habbits.
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