Dear users,
The latest Amiga Inc. policy shifts (which we mention below) give us no other option as to say farewell to them for good and show them our boinging balls as a good-bye. Although the hardkore anti-UAE group would never get it, The Adminus Magnificus In Their Armourus Radiatus® have never been fervent fans of Microsoft policy and their "innovations" in the field of technology and alike (in which we differ, for example, from our Polish government).
We cannot and do not intend to watch idly as the company which "exciting" (or should it be "arousing"?) announcements we publish from time to time intends to lend (or spare) a hand to the biggest scr*w-up in the Internet history called .NET and being another rather cunning M$ idea to overpower the naive dwellers of the global village.
In the coming days the prophetic minds of the amiSheep will surely perceive a new conspiracy theory lurking behind the bare facts and try to rationalize why Microsoft is a big, good daddy company that wants to help the poor and it is not a coincidence that ami-CEO's name is Bill, too. Yet, it is a well-known fact that the only company Microsoft cares about is Microsoft itself.
To sum the whole thing up, we remove all the links to Amiga Inc. from our site. We also stop publishing any news concerning the company, its products, its employees, etc., no matter how exciting (or even arousing) they would be.
As far as Amiga Classic, MorphOS and other alike are concerned, everything remains unchanged.
Amen, brothers (and sisters).
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